Behind every new beginning is the story of how you got here.

A story of resilience, determination, grit, and SURRENDER.


When so much has broken…the pain can’t help but still be there.

In the midst of pain it is natural to be tempted to grasp or hang on to what was, but with wisdom we realize that it is impossible. What was actually no longer exists.

The truth is that when we let things go, a new path emerges.

The energy of this New Hope Season is one of an EMERGING VISION.

My personal seasons of New Hope are marked by fresh energy for community, creating programs for women, an emerging sense of self worth, and a real sense that life is moving forward.

Be patient with yourself as you are becoming someone you’ve never been before…

Press PLAY on this playlist and listen while you scroll!

“May you be standing firm like a flourishing tree…deeply rooted

…bearing fruit in every season

Psalm 1

I care deeply that you do this work.


Journal Prompts

Start Here

Pull out an old photograph of yourself and notice what comes up for you. Write the memories and thoughts down.

Go Deeper

Name something that is currently bringing you joy. Describe what it was or is about that moment, person, or thing that allows your brain to get beautifully quiet.

The next layer of the onion

What is one area where you need to continually show yourself patience and give yourself compassion?

I’d love to hold space for you

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Your guide to living with intention IN THIS SEASON

  • In this season, you might feel an energy of starting and stopping…and FRUSTRATED by this pattern. Why does it exist? How do we stop stopping?

    Patience friend. It’s in the compassion and patience that old patterns often emerge that we learn to RUN.

  • Physically our liver and our eyes are linked. An inability to see, whether literal or metaphorical may be linked to inadequate liver function.

    The liver is well understood for it’s role as a detoxifying organ. The work of this season is to recognize old patterns when they creep in and to truly put them to death, getting them “out” of our body.

    Zendocrine applied topically over your liver and taken internally will support your liver in doing its work

  • Our nose is the only place where our vagus nerve meets the outside world. Our vagus nerve transmits signals from our body to our brain. Because our body holds everything that has ever happened to us, we can access information about root cause via our olfactory bulb.

  • Psalm 40 - reflect on how often the feelings of the psalmist waver back and forth between frustration and certainty. Isn’t this just so human? You are not alone.

    Psalm 51 - “Create in me a clean heart O God.” May this be your prayer along with restoration of joy, and a quiet confidence in a future you can’t quite see yet, but is known.


From frustration to “PATIENCE”

What does it look like to move with determination but without frustration with our backsliding? We must step into compassion & patience. This blend will assist you in practicing patience with yourself and others as you turn your emerging vision into reality. OPTIONAL: apply and then seal it in with a swipe of Rose Touch for added love.


(be where you are to get to where you are meant to be)


In every moment of every day our brain/body are watching for cues that may signal danger so that it can respond.

Commonly understood as “fight or flight” our body shifts from a state of rest into a state of ACTION. 

Unfortunately, many of us are walking around with trauma stored in our bodies, lowering our threshold and capacity for life’s stressors.  We shift TOO quickly and then get stuck in “survival mode.”  

What does it look like for a human to heal?  AKA, have a regulated nervous system with capacity for REAL life? 

“The greatest gift we can give to another is a regulated nervous system.”

Our parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for rest, digestion, nourishment, and healing.

It is controlled primarily by cranial nerve 10, commonly known as our vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve serves as an on-off switch for our fight or flight response.  It is responsible for shifting the gears back and forth between our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.  

The vagus nerve ALSO is responsible for two way communication between our body and our brain.  

For this reason, there is a lot of effort being spent right now in understanding how to stimulate our vagus nerve, effectively returning our body to a state that allows for healing.  Our body can NOT heal when we are in survival mode.  There simply isn’t energy to spare.  What does it look like to activate our vagus nerve, gently coaxing our body into a safe state where healing is possible?

The ONLY PLACE our vagus nerve meets the outside world is through our olfactory bulb.

Hold up, WHAT?

80% of the signals that are sent by the vagus nerve are BODY TO BRAIN, with only 20% being BRAIN TO BODY.

If we want to understand what our body needs… it is sending a floodgate of information to our brain through the vagus nerve.

We can access this information through our olfactory bulb.

Once I understood this, I understood that the aromas my nose is drawn to is actually information about what my BODY NEEDS to return to a state of healing.

Releasing trapped emotions is possible through the use of dōTERRA essential oils.

The work is simple, but we get to actually do it.

Next up


Standing in your purpose, with joy & PASSION.

This feels SO good.

In the midst of living out your purpose, we remember that our body, brains & spirits require nourishment this side of heaven. What does it look like to stay nourished as you live out your purpose?

  • "How did you learn how to work with women like me? You’re really good at your job. I feel more normal than I have in a long time."

  • "I never expected that to come up for me. This was so unexpected. I wouldn’t have given myself permission… You have a gift."

  • "Stephanie created a beautiful space for me in moving forward in healing a relationship, both with myself and my husband. "

  • "Stephanie is who I reach out to when I am stuck or in a swirl. Not only does she hold me high to my own values she has the unique ability of asking incredible questions"

  • "Fun, loving, present, Steph stands for you, holding space for you, very transparent and intuitive."

Book a call with Steph

  • Gain clarity on a path forward. She will help you name exactly where you are and create a vision for what is possible.

  • Put a plan together for a daily routine tailored to your specific physical & emotional goals.

  • Breakthrough issues around worthiness - she will take you through an exercise that unlocks momentum.