In preparing to write this post my nerves have been FRAZZLED by all the amounts of incredible information out there about Frankincense, our nervous system, anxiousness, memory formation, blood oxygen levels, and MORE!  I decided to finally pause after 3 days and just write the dang post even though my fear is that I won’t be able to do it justice.

WHY IN THE WORLD don’t more people know about this?  And, WHY IN THE WORLD isn’t EVERYONE using doTERRA Frankincense every single day?  We get to… we are worthy to do so… and this oil is an incredible gift.  A miracle in fact.

When I think about our nervous system I think about 2 main things… actually I think about 7 things, but guys… you really don’t want to be in my brain 😉  (And, good thing there is one more day left in this series – stay tuned!!!)

  1. The health of our nervous system – memory formation, signaling, etc

  2. Anxiety – an activated nervous system and how we can calm it down, oxygenation

Frequent and LONG-TERM use of Frankincense is known to exert effects on gene regulation in the hippocampus – the part of our brain that’s involved in MEMORY, particularly long-term memory.  I can’t emphasize the “long-term” enough.  The study showed no difference after 21 days of use, but dramatic improvement with 42 days in a row… similarly another study showed effects after 4 weeks but even greater effects after 8 weeks.  Please don’t give up.  This is where habit formation is so key.  And, it’s also why we get frustrated with a plant-based approach.  It requires consistency and lifestyle change… neither of which are “easy” for us.  But friends, we have also done much harder things.  Secondly, there is evidence that it works by increasing the number of dendritic segments and branching in the neuron cells of the hippocampus, causing more synaptic connections in that area and, therefore, improvement of learning and memory.  This has implications for diseases such as AD and MS – see links below.

For anxious thoughts and chronic anxiety, I use Frankincense under my tongue every morning because it sets my day up for success.  One of the most important things we can do for brain health is to reduce anxious spiraling thoughts by oxygenating our brain.  Exercise does this by getting our blood flowing.  Frankincense also does this because it is packed full of sesquiterpenes, which cross the blood brain barrier and increase the amount of oxygen present.  Frankincense is also known to improve oxygenation in the lung in asthmatics by reducing bronchial constriction.  Oxygen oxygen oxygen!

One other piece of the puzzle – excess Carbon Dioxide is known to create a condition/emotion in our body that feels like a panic attack.  A way to combat excess carbon dioxide is by increasing the amount of oxygen.  Frankincense does this in a number of ways as described above.

How to use:  Put Frankincense on the top of your mouth with your thumb…make sure to press it up and back in the softer part of your palate.  You can also put Frankincense on topically on the bak of your neck at the base of your skull (brain stem).  For a child you can use a roller (5-10 drops of Frank and the rest fractionated coconut oil) up and down their spine daily and have them breathe it in.  

Have any questions?  Send me a message!





Here is a website that has a TON of information.  Those of you that consistently want to look up/educate yourself/see the PROOF, save it in your search bar.  www.aromaticscience.com

Stephanie Poe

Ph.D • dōTERRA Wellness Advocate


